New Practiv docs
Posted June 4, 2021 by Andrew— 1min readSay hello to our new Practiv developer documentation 👋
We’ve taken a fresh look at what we do, why it is important for developers, and how we organize our work.
Over two decades we’ve written a lot of documentation. We’re usually heads-down writing customer-specific product and implementation documentation. But it always comes from our core documentation repos as a quick-start. In order to float all that good work to the top we’ve had a fresh cut at the information architecture and flow, so its much easier to follow.
Our new Product Director has had to get his head around everything we do as he has onboarded, so it was a great opportunity to get a fresh set of eyes on the tools.
We hope you enjoy these docs, hope they encourage some “ah ha” moments. Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see!