Creating Build and Run platforms

We are going to set up your Continuous Integration platform. By the end you will have a platform ready to deploy into an Environment.

Artifact naming schedule

As per the naming concepts choose a list of metaphors for grouping collections of software. Record the names in the [Artifact naming schedule].

Create the build delivery artifact

The key element for the Build system is the publishing of artifacts. The build tile defines the configuration required to publish all kinds of Maven and Docker artifacts.

This tile has a standard name anvil-tile-build see Creating the build tile

Create the maven artifact

There is only one parent, this sets up some simple base configurations, that cannot be configured for Maven in tiles.

Creating the parent artifact is straight forward see Creating the single parent

Create the jenkins image

A Jenkins image is build from a standard set of rules, you need to choose the right rules for your build environment

see Creating the custom Jenkins image

Create run platform properties artifact

The key element for the Run platform is the deployment of artifacts. The run tile defines the configuration required to deploy Docker artifacts into environments

This tile has a standard name anvil-tile-run see Creating the run tile

Create the build environment image

In order to deploy the Continuous Integration tooling we need an environment, this is a standard environment it just contains the CI applications

see Creating a build environment

Create the Run Platform image

In order to deploy the Continuous Integration tooling we need an environment, this is a standard environment it just contains the CI applications

see Creating a Run Platform

Deploy the Software Product on a Cluster