Approving PRs and merging

How to be a good citizen when reviewing PRs

PRs are the way we assure quality, discussion and security. Make sure you understand what the code is doing, if in doubt walk over and talk to them.

If something can be done more efficiently but this will work, accept it for what it is, add a new ticket to the icebox and put it on the response. PR reviews are super important for quality but they also can’t grind things to a halt. Your review is expected within 15 mins of being assigned, otherwise developers will move onto something else and wipe their hands of the rest of the process to prod.

Pull request commit types

Please make sure you use the “Rebase and Merge” commit type for projects.

Create a merge commit

This creates a explicit commit in addition to those within the pull request for the base branch, this commit denotes the merge activity.

Rebase and merge

The type to use for projects, this integrates the commits from the branch into the base branch, usually used to keep a very clean history on the base branch.

Squash and merge

This creates a single commit to the base branch, usually used to clean up several commits within the pull request that all represent one deliverable. Care should be taken to ensure that the new commit has an appropriate title and notes.

Accepting and Merging through UI

You can accept pull requests through github, which provides a number of nice UI features for reviewing.