Run Scripts

Keep things simple, and hands off

Our Run Scripts bring everything together. Developers deploy their applications through a set of clearly defined configurations, with zero custom commands or interactions with environments directly. This enables consistency, governance and security across the board.

Component NameDescription
practiv-run-notifyScript framework for sending notification messages
Standard set of script hooks to abstract the sending of messages from the scripts that want to send them
practiv-run-notify-googlechatCollection of scripts for notifying google chat about deployments
Sending deployment notifications to Google Chat
practiv-run-notify-googlechat-httpieCollection of scripts for notifying google chat about deployments via the HTTPie which works for SNI and Squid transparent filtering
Sending deployment notifications to Google Chat using a python client
practiv-run-notify-mattermostCollection of scripts for notifying Mattermost about deployments
Sending deployment notifications to Mattermost
practiv-run-notify-newrelicCollection of scripts for notifying NewRelic about deployments
Sending deployment notifications to NewRelic
practiv-run-notify-slackCollection of scripts for notifying Slack about deployments
Sending deployment notifications to Slack
practiv-run-scriptsThe Run scripts are the collection of scripts used to realise and deploy environments to Kubernetes.
Automating the deployment of a run environment onto a kubernetes cluster
practiv-run-selfsignedIssuers for generating certificates from a local CA
Provide an issuer for the certificate manager such that certificates can be generated with the provided signing key
practiv-run-systemCollection of scripts for facilitating namespace management
Automating the deployment of the run platform on a cluster.
practiv-run-tile-coloursShell Colours for use in scripts
shale-awsPackaged AWS CLI and Terraform and related scripts/tooling
Providing a command set for automatically interacting with AWS
shale-eksPackaged eksctl client and related scripts/tooling
Providing a command set for automatically managing EKS clusters