Docker Base Images
Secure operating systems, ready to go with governance
Our base images are OS images with up-to-date patching, ready to use as a base for your containers. Our experience in delivering software has taught us to locally lifecycle operating systems, because external parties don’t always have safe and secure release practices.
These Docker Base Images are scanned by us for common vulnerability and exposures, and tested before any of them reach your infrastructure, giving you one less thing to worry about. When an OS is patched for a vulnerability, our team expedite this process, and ensure you’re on a safe version again as soon as possible.
Component Name | Description |
basalt-aws-kops | Cluster creation base image. Contains AWS toolings and kops client Creating kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instances |
basalt-eksctl | Environment base image which has EKS control, AWS tooling, and Kubectl Managing environments running on Amazon EKS |
basalt-hugo | Locally lifecycled hugo image packaged as a tool Turning markdown into html for static websites. Documentation is an example |
basalt-istioctl | Locally lifecycled istioctl client Managing the Istio service mesh on clusters as part of a run platform |
basalt-jenkins-jnlp-slave | Jenkins jnlp slave on recent Java Running Jenkins agents on Kubernetes |
basalt-keycloak | Locally lifecycled keycloak image Deploying authentication and authorisation |
basalt-kops | Locally lifecycled kops terraform client Used for building Kops clusters |
basalt-kubectl | Environment base image which has Kubectl and other basic script tooling Used for running environments on kubernetes |
basalt-liquibase | Liquibase image ready to be a Kube job to manage a database For running liquibase scripts during the environment deployment |
basalt-mariadb | Locally lifecycled mysql database using MariaDB Fast start database for testing and ephemeral environments |
basalt-mysql | Locally lifecycled native mysql database Slow start database for testing and ephemeral environments |
basalt-nginx | Local life cycle of Nginx that is based on compatibility not vendor versioning Anything that wants to deploy static content on nginx would use this base image to ensure that they stay patched without breaking changes. |
basalt-nginx-ingress-controller | Bundle nginx ingress with patches to allow TLS termination on the ELB Running ingress controllers on Kubernetes in AWS |
basalt-nodejs | Bundle nodejs for reuse Running node applications |
basalt-oauth-proxy | Packaged oauth proxy Providing auth to applications exposed via ingresses in Kubernetes |
basalt-openjdk | Bundle openjdk 11 for reuse with up to date patching on debian slim Running build processes or other jobs that require a Java compiler |
basalt-openjre | Bundle openjre 11 for reuse with up to date patching for debian slim Providing a consistent |
basalt-packer | Locally lifecycled Packer packaged as a tool Building machine images e.g AMI. Not recommended for Docker |
basalt-postgresql | Packaged postgresql database configured for fast start Running ephemeral postgresql databases |
basalt-terraform | Packaged terraform aws client Running terraform scripts in a consistent way by providing a standard base set of tools |
basalt-terraform-providers | Packaged terraform providers and plugins Providing integrations for terraform to interact with AWS |
practiv-build-docker-client | Repackage the docker client binary |
practiv-build-jenkins | Packaged Jenkins for BUILD deprecated see chalk-jenkins |
practiv-build-jenkins-plugins | Jenkins with pre installed plugins for BUILD Used as the base by the practiv-tile-jenkins Build Tiles |