2022.04 Release

Exciting quality of life updates, cracked down on more security vulnerabilities, and brought our Java framework support up to a consistent level across both Springboot and Micronaut


Apple Silicon Support

All our underlying build dependencies (namely the docker fabric8 plugin) have been updated to support building under Apple Silicon (ARM) devices.

Micronaut V3

The latest micronaut v3 tiles + libraries have been updated to include full Java 17 language support.

Included composites have been updated to use the new micronaut compiler 3.4+ tooling, and the underlying jackson-databind library has been updated to address several recent CVEs.



The sonar tile has been updated to include the latest Sonar plugin

Spring Boot

Spring Boot tiles have been brought in line with the latest functionality introduced through the Micronaut updates. Namely:

  • Application config and secrets are now resolved through src/main/config/application.yaml and src/main/secret/application.yaml
    • This will result in a K8 friendly config.yaml and secret.yaml being produced containing the respective properties. These will be mounted and accessibly to your container through the latest practiv-tile-deploy-springboot tile
    • There is no need anymore to manage your own secret.template file with this method
  • Standard JIB library is now used to create the docker image from Java dependencies
  • Bootstrapping app in docker container at build time and ensuring container is up
  • General updates, and datadog support

There is no tileset at this time for Spring boot. If you would like to leverage native Kube support, you can add the `practiv-tile-skaffold` tile directly and walk through the setup process outputted in the build log
As with most breaking changes like this, our build output should walk you through the migration, and notify if any files are now redundant or if new files are required.


Stricter on CVEs





Across the board we’ve upgraded our tiles to enforce a failure threshold of medium for detected CVEs.

Additionally; the base chalk-dockerfile tileset has been upgraded to include trivy scanning by default.

Specific CVEs can still be ignored by including inside a .trivyignore file in the project root directory if required.

Base image upgrades

We’ve upgraded all the base images included under basalt-* with the latest base images available to address several new vulnerabilities.

OAuth Proxy upgrades

Version **3.1**

  • Use alpine:1.15
  • Use oauth2-proxy:7.2.1

The corresponding practiv-run-oauth-proxy tile has also been upgraded to support the new Ingress definitions mentioned below, as well as these base image upgrades.


We’ve bumped the major version of the oauth proxy to account for the upstream base application changes. See https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/releases/tag/v7.0.0


The Practiv Build Jenkins system has been upgraded to use 2.337



Nexus has been upgraded to version 3.38, which addresses several CVEs.

Overridable secret names


We’ve updated this tile to prevent the default secret content from causing secret churn due to the presence of ever-changing version and document what the entry is for inside of the entry itself.

Allow override of the secret name such that non-standard projects can still leverage this tooling and not be forced to create a redundant boilerplate:

tile-kubernetes-secrets.secret.name can be set to an alternative name as needed.



The chalk-environment tileset has been upgraded to version v22. This change introduces some much awaited support for the new Kubernetes Ingress API [networking.k8s.io/v1](http://networking.k8s.io/v1) which has been made stable in K8 1.19+.

Breaking change

If on Kubernetes 1.22+, support for the beta ingress v1 API has been dropped. Ingress definitions need to be updated to use [networking.k8s.io/v1](http://networking.k8s.io/v1) in order to be valid.

Leveraging the latest Practiv tilesets should manage this change for you, however, if you are managing your own ingresses you will need to manually switch to the new API definition - thankfully, the specification changes are quite minor:


If using the tile practiv-tile-deploy-ingress directly instead of the aggregate., then this can be upgraded to bring in the new ingress templating.

Run platform

A bunch of improvements have been made to run platform functionality this quarter

  • Ingress templating has been moved to apiVersion: [networking.k8s.io/v1](http://networking.k8s.io/v1)
  • Scripts have been added to identity jobs in different states and remove them as needed
  • Improved readability and debuggability
    • Working files are persisted after a deployment so they can be analysed in a read-only fashion.

Platform Tilesets




Allow for the default issuer to be configured

This change allows for the possibility of settings the default issuer name and kind if rolling a custom definition is desired rather than one of the prepackaged ones.

The default configuration is the same as before but can be overridden by setting the properties below in your run-platform project



A breaking change to the kube-system manifest handling was made and this new version supports that new standard.


A number of changes to the cert manager, including:

  • Big update from 1.5 from 0.13
  • Default issuer is now configurable
  • Injector has resource limits to ensure EKS will not remove any pods
  • ca-injector is now memory overridable


Latest Terraform and AWS Provider


AWS Provider 4.2.0

Change notes: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#420-february-18-2022

Terraform 1.1.6

Change notes: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/blob/v1.1/CHANGELOG.md#116-february-16-2022