Build Tiles

Composable, consistent, and quick build processes

Build tiles make it easy for developers to add functionality to their build process; and spin up new applications and components (such as libraries, docs etc.) quickly and consistently.

These build tiles are maintained and tested by us, ensuring that they are always reliable, and your team can stay focussed on the customer problem they have in front of them.

Practiv Build Tiles are strictly versioned and life cycled, so we can release changes to them, while the developers retain control of when or if they want the benefit of the update.

For more information check out Maven Tiles on Github.

Component NameDescription
obsidian-sonarqube-ebsSupport for putting the SonarQube data on an EBS block device
Providing standard volume definitions for deploying SonarQube
obsidian-sonarqube-gce-replicatedSupport for putting the SonarQube data on a GCE replicated disk
Providing standard volume definitions for deploying SonarQube
obsidian-sonarqube-gheGHE support for sonarqube
Set up auth and PR linking to GitHub for SonarQube projects
practiv-tile-apm-datadog-javaAdd the DataDog java agent to the application
practiv-tile-assembliesAssemblies assembler for tiles that need to assembly assemblies
For tiles that needs to package templated resources which are downloaded and used as part of the build
practiv-tile-audit-coverageAudit the coverage of the unit tests and fail the build if it’s not enough
Failing the build for a Java project if the coverage drops below 80% be default
practiv-tile-audit-dependenciesAudit the dependencies and fail the build for known CVE
Failing the build if there are known CVEs that should be addressed or reporting them otherwise
practiv-tile-audit-sonarAudit the code and fail the build for failed gates
Sending project data to SonarQube for analysis and failing the build if any policies are violated
practiv-tile-audit-trivyAudit the docker image and fail the build for known CVE
Failing the build if the built docker image contains CVE that should be addressed or reporting them otherwise
practiv-tile-blurbCollect markdown changes into a set of release notes
deprecated see practiv-tile-changes
practiv-tile-build-cacheBuild Caches for collecting deps for pre-warming build agents
Providing predownloaded dependencies for continuous integration to avoid slow download times
practiv-tile-buildinfoAdding build information to the jar so we can see the state of the environment when it was created
practiv-tile-chalkHow to build and validate tiles
practiv-tile-changesCollect markdown changes into a set of release notes
practiv-tile-checkstyleTile to perform Checkstyle analysis and outputs violations or a count of violations to the console, potentially failing the build.
practiv-tile-cluster-eksBuild your own EKS cluster
practiv-tile-cypressBuild Tile Sets to run Cypress from docker with some concurrency
practiv-tile-cypress-scriptsAssemblies assembler for tiles that need to assembly resources
practiv-tile-decisionsCollect Lightweight ADR together to be added to the deployed documentation
practiv-tile-deploy-httpBuild a docker image from static content
Hosting static websites on Kubernetes
practiv-tile-deploy-imageBuild packaged alpine application deployables
Hosting arbitrary images on Kubernetes
practiv-tile-deploy-ingressAdding an ingress.yaml template to the current application
practiv-tile-deploy-jaxrsBuild jaxrs application deployables
practiv-tile-deploy-jibUse jib to package up java applications into docker images
practiv-tile-deploy-microfrontendDeploy micro frontends from a static server
practiv-tile-deploy-micronautUse jib to package up java applications into docker images
practiv-tile-deploy-nodeDeploy node apps
practiv-tile-deploy-node-imageBuilding node images
practiv-tile-deploy-nodefrontendDeploy micro frontends from a node server
practiv-tile-deploy-shadeDeploy shaded java applications
practiv-tile-deploy-springbootUse jib to package up spring boot java applications into docker images
practiv-tile-deploy-thorntailDeploy thorntail applications
practiv-tile-deploy-thorntail-hollowDeploy thorntail applications
practiv-tile-deploy-uberjarBuild runnable jar application deployables
practiv-tile-developer-experienceBuild the developer experience documentation
practiv-tile-distributionTile to enforce the main distribution configuration
practiv-tile-dockerBuild raw docker images as deployables
practiv-tile-docker-applicationBuild raw docker images as deployables
practiv-tile-docker-supportBuild Tile Sets to create a local docker image with the config and secrets to use for local docker testing
practiv-tile-docker-templatesAssemblies assembler for tiles that need to assembly docker resources e.g. Dockerfile
practiv-tile-forgecacheBuild jaxrs application deployables
practiv-tile-frontend-landingSetup a frontend application as the default landing page
practiv-tile-frontend-oauth-proxyProtect the frontend page by requiring the user to be authenticated via oauth
practiv-tile-gitTile to enforce the key properties to allow consistent git usage
practiv-tile-hugo-default-templateDownload the default template and copy into target/documentation ready for hot deployment or validation
practiv-tile-hugo-default-themeDownload the default theme and copy into target/documentation ready for hot deployment or validation
practiv-tile-hugo-hotdeployProject hugo resources for hot deploy, watch and keep them up to date
practiv-tile-hugo-templateBuild the hugo template zip for reuse
practiv-tile-hugo-themeBuild the hugo theme zip from project for reuse
practiv-tile-hugo-validateUse hugo to validate hugo resources
practiv-tile-interactiveAdd a wait into the lifecycle at the end of integration testing
practiv-tile-java11Declare some java 11 standard plugins and configuration
practiv-tile-java8Use java 8
practiv-tile-jenkinsBuild a Jenkins docker image with plugins and scripts preinstalled
For managing the lifecycle of Jenkins locally in particular in respect to custom build scripts
practiv-tile-jenkins-scriptsCollect jenkins scripts into a reusable package
practiv-tile-jenkins-validationCollect jenkins scripts into a reusable package
practiv-tile-keycloak-integration-testRun keycloak as a support app
For testing of services that integrate with keycloak
[practiv-tile-kickstart]Collect kickstart examples and generators
practiv-tile-kubernetes-aggregateCollect Kubernetes Application templates into a unit without nesting
practiv-tile-kubernetes-applicationCollect Kubernetes Application templates into a unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-applicationsCollect Kubernetes Application templates into a unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-bootstrap-environmentExtensions to an environment such that it can bootstrap from a globalDockerRegsitry
practiv-tile-kubernetes-configUse templated files to build kubernetes config templates
practiv-tile-kubernetes-config-templatesAssemblies assembler for libraries that need to share config templates
practiv-tile-kubernetes-environmentCollect Kubernetes Application groups into a environment unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-pipeline-gkeCollect Kubernetes Application groups into a environment unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-productCollect Kubernetes Application templates into a unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-run-platformApply the run platform templates to the current project. This will result in the run platform being loaded into the run-platform namespace at bootstrap time.
practiv-tile-kubernetes-run-platform-environmentThe default run platform resources for declared environments in Kubernetes clusters
practiv-tile-kubernetes-run-platform-templateCollect run platform templates into a zip for (re)use.
practiv-tile-kubernetes-run-platform-templatesCollect Kubernetes Application groups into a environment unit
practiv-tile-kubernetes-secretsUse templated files to build kubernetes secrets templates
practiv-tile-kubernetes-secrets-templatesAssemblies assembler for libraries that need to share secrets templates
practiv-tile-kubernetes-templatesCollect kubernetes templates into a unit
practiv-tile-liquibaseCollect liquibase changeset into a reusable zip
practiv-tile-liquibase-jobCollect liquibase changesets into a runnable upgrade job
practiv-tile-micronautCompile for micronaut
Building micronaut applications
practiv-tile-microscannerScan the docker image
practiv-tile-mysql-component-testRun fast mysql for component testing
Testing components using mysql test containers
practiv-tile-mysql-integration-testRun fast mysql for integration testing
Integration testing using mysql
practiv-tile-newrelicGet the newrelic jar ready for instrumentation
Instrumenting a packaged Java application with the NewRelic APM agent jar
practiv-tile-pitestTile to run mutation testing and measure code coverage
practiv-tile-quota-cpu-200to1200Cpu quota 200m to 1200m with requests at 1/20
Providing canned named values of certain scales to environments
practiv-tile-quota-mem-128to2048Cpu quota 128Mi to 2Gi with requests at 1/2
Providing canned named values of certain scales to environments
practiv-tile-quota-mem-64to1024Cpu quota 64Mi to 1Gi with requests at 1/2
Providing canned named values of certain scales to environments
practiv-tile-quota-memory-java11Cpu quota 64Mi to 4Gi with requests at 1/4
Providing canned named values of certain scales to environments
practiv-tile-releaseTile for configuring the release process for projects
practiv-tile-resourcesAssemblies assembler for tiles that need to assemble resources
Providing templates that are used by tiles when they are included in a project
practiv-tile-shellcheckValidate scripts in src/main/resources/bin
Linting shell scripts repeatedly in many builds
practiv-tile-skaffoldComposes kubernetes manifests for local development
Running a local environment to deploy a full stack in Docker just like it would be deployed on the RUN platform
practiv-tile-skaffold-seedSet of plugins to support the seeding of common services for local development
Running a local environment to deploy a full stack in Docker just like it would be deployed on the RUN platform
practiv-tile-sonarqubeBuild Tile Sets to create a local docker image for Sonarqube
practiv-tile-testingUnit, Component and Integration Test Lifecycles
Testing projects in standard Maven lifecycles
practiv-tile-tileHow to build and validate tiles
Building reusable tiles
practiv-tile-ui-vueVue app build configuration
Building vue projects
practiv-tile-warWar build configuration
Building WAR archives
practiv-tile-yarnStandard Build Tile Sets for yarn builds in Maven
Building yarn-based projects
practiv-tile-frontend-yarnStandard Build Tile Sets for yarn frontends in Maven
Building yarn frontend projects
practiv-tile-yarn-moduleStandard Build Tile Sets for yarn in Maven
Building yarn module/library projects
practiv-tile-yarn-storybookStandard Build Tile Sets for yarn Storybook projects in Maven
Building a storybook build using yarn