Utilities that support your team getting software running faster
Practiv built Java libraries are utilities to support your team getting software running faster. We develop and maintain a number of libraries that provide functions such as providing scaffolding to run Micronaut seamlessly in Kubernetes, providing crosscutting authentication concerns, and providing well defined compositions of other Java libraries. We have done this many times. These libraries represent our refined approach to solving problems your engineers don’t have to.
Component Name | Description |
flint-apputils | Rollup of the dependencies for optimised deployment of micronaut Deploying Micronaut applications in a consistent way |
flint-healthcheck | Application to do authenticated environment health checks Add an authenticated health-check service to the applications |
flint-healthz | Healthz endpoints to expose that the application is happy Providing standard healthz and version endpoints for Micronaut |
flint-s3logger | Logback appender, convert and upload log file to s3 bucket Forwarding logs from Java applications to s3 |
flint-service-monitor | Application to monitor an environments Application that monitors authenticated health-check endpoints |
flint-whoami | a basic endpoint to verify elements in the session identity attributes Endpoint for debugging what a session looks like inside a cluster |
forge-digital-platform | Practiv environment for the Digital Platform Internal Practiv environment for deploying the Practiv Digital Platform |
ironstone-anonymous-authenticator | keycloak extension that creates a new user without requiring any personal information. |
ironstone-authentication-service-account | Micronaut Library to use Keycloak service accounts Leverage keycloak services accounts to authorise background processes to operate on protected data |
ironstone-authorisation-keycloak | library to do authorisation management (creation and evaluation of permissions and protected resources) Leverage keycloak resources management to protect resources in an application by registering them and validating actions on them |
ironstone-code-authenticator | PoC authenticator Authenticating the requesting user based on an encrypted value containing the user id to authenticate as. Done while investigating approaches for the resume feature. |
ironstone-keycloak-micronaut-adapter | Integration between keycloak and micronaut Verifying user tokens come from trusted keycloak servers. This was the way we did it before micronaut security existed. Micronaut security token validation replaced this functionality. |
ironstone-security-principal | Exposes necessary classes used by components needing to use the security principal. Providing a standard contract for access to the claims of the current request |
ironstone-token-exchange-broker | Library to exchange a users access token for a users stored external broker token Providing a client for exchange an identity claim with a full set of claims |
ironstone-token-exchange-filter | Filter to ensure that a valid authorisation token is available Providing a filter that does the exchange of the identity claim with the full set of claims |
practiv-apputils-camel | Bootstrap and wiring for Camel Deploy camel based application in the RUN platform |
practiv-apputils-jersey | Component provider for Jersey from leveraging Sticky Bootstrap Deploy Jersey via Configured Spring |
practiv-apputils-servlet | Health and Version endpoints for Servlet apps Add healthz and version endpoints to a Java Servlet based application |
practiv-db-ebean | Things we need to wire ebean up cleanly Configured ebean components for using Ebean in Spring applications |
practiv-db-ebean-testutils | Things we need to wire ebean up with h2 Utilities for testing ORM implemented with Ebean during unit and component testing |
practiv-forge-assembly-hugo | Assembly descriptor for Hugo templated websites deprecated see practiv-tile-hugo-* |
practiv-forge-assembly-kickstart | Assembly descriptor for Kickstart templates deprecated not using kickstart |
practiv-rest-api | Rest annotations for defining faults as part of restful services |
practiv-swagger-codegen-micronaut | Swagger Codegen template to generate Micronaut server code |
practiv-testutils | Component provider for Jersey from leveraging Sticky Bootstrap |
practiv-testutils-junit5 | Component provider for test utilities for junit5 |
practiv-testutils-mockwire | Extensions for Mockwire use |
practiv-utils-client-jersey | Reusable @configured Jersey client components Interacting with RESTful services |
practiv-utils-jackson | Collection of wrappers for Jackson For manipulating JSON documents using Jackson |