Jenkins Components
We use Jenkins because it’s a mature product that has kept pace with contemporary CI/CD tooling. Practiv’s configuration of Jenkins is consistent and automated, so it’s easy to run locally in a controlled environment, automatically scan your codebase, and build projects without developer interaction. With years of experience, we have produced declarative scripts and pipelines that enhance Jenkins.
Your team controls the lifecycle of Jenkins — you declare the components and plugins you need in Build Tile Sets, and you’re up running with a new project in minutes. While we independently lifecycle each one of these components, we also package them as Jenkins Builds so that we have reusable, one line build commands, that are always consistent.
Component Name | Description |
dust-yarn-scripted | Jenkins pipeline functions for building yarn projects, including setting up Jenkins configuration to support that Automatically build yarn projects in Jenkins by adding a one (or two line) Jenkinsfile |
dust-startup | Jenkins groovy scripts to configure Jenkins Setup Jenkins consistently using a configuration as code paradigm. This allows jenkins to deploy and build the list of jobs to build and start building in minutes. |
dust-maven-scripted | Scripted jenkins rules for running Maven builds including setting up Jenkins configuration to support that Automatically build maven projects in Jenkins by adding a one (or two line) Jenkinsfile |
dust-legacy-scripted | Scripted jenkins rules for running Maven builds including setting up Jenkins configuration to support that Being phased out. Automatically build maven projects in Jenkins by adding a one (or two line) Jenkinsfile |
dust-maven-declarative | Declarative Jenkins scripts for building Apache Maven projects including setting up Jenkins configuration to support that Automatically build maven projects in Jenkins by adding a one (or two line) Jenkinsfile |
dust-notify-google-chat | Send Jenkins build messages to google chat Forward build messages to Google Chat to let people know when things happen |
dust-notify-echo | Echo Jenkins build messages to the console Log build messages so that we can read them in the Jenkins UI |