Java Compositions

Meaningful local versions of third party libraries

A well defined and flattened dependency tree, that can be used in many projects to ensure they’re using the same dependencies. This allows easy across-the-board upgrades, or breaking upgrades protected with version bumps.

Component NameDescription
practiv-composite-component-testingComposition of artifacts used for component testing
Support for running component tests against fast start local docker containers
practiv-composite-configuredComposition of artifacts used for deploying spring apps with stereotypical configuration
To run Configured Spring
practiv-composite-cxfsoapComposition of artifacts used for build CXF Soap services
To run Soap using cxf
practiv-composite-google-pubsubComposition of artifacts used for doing pubsub
To leverate google pub sub in Java projects
practiv-composite-grpcComposition of artifacts used for doing grpc
To isolate the gprc dependencies to manage upgrades/dependency consistency
practiv-composite-jacksonStrict list of dependencies for using Jackson to marshall models
Marshalling Java models to JSON and back
practiv-composite-jackson-apiStrict list of dependencies for annotating models
Annotating models to define how they (un)marshall into JSON
practiv-composite-jackson-jaxrsStrict list of dependencies for using Jackson in Java Restful services
Building JSON based web services in Java
practiv-composite-jaxbStrict list of dependencies for using xml bindings on Java models
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-jerseyComposition of libraries for using jersey
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-jersey-clientComposition of libraries for using jersey as a client
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-junit5-unittestComposition of artifacts used for Unit testing
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-jwsComposition of artifacts used for Java WS
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-logging-apiComposition of artifacts used for Logging
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-logging-deployComposition of artifacts used for processing Log events
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-logging-stackdriverComposition of artifacts used for processing Log events
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-micronaut-micrometer-stackdriverComposition of artifacts used for application metrics with micronaut
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-micronaut-sqlComposition of artifacts used for sql with micronaut
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-micronaut-tracing-stackdriverComposition of artifacts used for StackDriver tracing with micronaut
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-micronaut-unittestComposition of artifacts used for Unit testing micronaut apps/libs
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-mockwireComposition of artifacts used for testing components
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-stereotypeComposition of artifacts used for annotating components
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-unirestComposition of libraries for using unirest as a client
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.
practiv-composite-unittestComposition of artifacts used for Unit testing
Controlling a dependency group for reliable consistent builds.